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Small Editor 1.8

Small Editor 1.8

Small Editor Publisher's Description

If you are looking for a NotePad replacement and more try Small Editor. Designed to be use as a daily editor for text plain files (TXT) Small Editor can recognize dozens of well know programming language syntax and offer to you a minimalist interface plenty of small big details and lot of useful characteristics.

Main program features

* Minimalist interface, forgive the main menu!
* Virtually unlimited opened files placed on tabs
* Save your session: reopen last files automagically
* Not only reopen, but remember selection and more
* Customizable syntax highlighters with themes support
* Include two syntax highlighters themes ready to use
* Multilanguage interface and themable highlighters
* More than 50 syntax highlighters for most commont files
* Unicode, UTF-7, UTF-8, ANSI and ASCII supported encodings
* Multisyntax highlighters to HTML or PHP, for example
* Print preview and optional color highlighter printing
* User friendly interface and enhance Windows controls
* Drag to the editor or shortcut to open files and folders
* User confirmation when try to open lots or big large files
* Regular Expressions when search or search & replace text
* Advanced editor capabilities, like column selection support
* Optional (ready by default) reusable program instances
* Full screen mode support covering all available desktop
* Historials for open URLs, search and replace queries
* Search and replace engines to search and replace in files
* Export source to PDF, HTML, RTF and TeX formats
* Automatically correction of some text by other text
* Automatically save the opened files every N seconds
* HTML preview in Internet Explorer and Chromium

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